
EULERSS'13 is organised by the FP7 EULER project. This event will be dedicated to the Graph and Routing Dynamics: Models and Algorithms. It will cover the basis of Internet as a distributed systems, algorithmic graph theory, graph dynamic modelling and routing models and algorithms. By actively participating, lectures and attendees will have the opportunities to share the idea of scientific excellence.

Addressed to

This intensive Summer School is addressed to MSc, PhD and Post-Docs but also researchers with a background in algorithmic graph theory, graph dynamics modeling, routing models and algorithms as well as proficiency in English. EULERSS'13 courses and lectures aim at providing an excellent preparation for entering a PhD in Computer Science. Lectures and courses are part of the academic cursus falling under the ECTS system.

It is highly recommended that students read the documentation available in the website


The Summer School will cover one full-week (5 days, July 1-5) with a target of registered participants of around 30/35 students.

The deadline for applications is 15th June at 23:59pm CET.

For more details on the event please check the call for participants

For registering use the on-line application form


Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Aula Magna, A3 bulding
c/ Jordi Girona 1-3, Campus Nord
08034 Barcelona, Spain